Samuelson News
Check out our August-September newsletter HERE.
Check out our August-September newsletter HERE.
Fourth grade teachers came to school in their matching fourth grade squad gear today!
Samuelson’s fall picture day is on Tuesday, September 25th.
We hope you will sign up for our kindergarten readiness program this summer! It will be held from 9:00-11:30 on August 6th & 7th. Please click the link below to fill out the form. This a free program. …
Meet The Teacher Night is on Tuesday, August 21st from 5:00-6:30. During this time you will be able to meet your child’s teacher. If you would like to bring their school supplies at this time it will make …
If you are a current Samuelson family, online registration opens on Monday, July 16th. You will need to log into the parent portal HERE to access the registration link. If you do not remember your parent portal information …
New school hours will start the 2018-2019 school year.
Volunteers are a very important asset to Samuelson. The success of our students requires commitment from the entire community. Every year our school needs volunteers for events such as Field Day, Fifth Grade Celebration, Fun Night, etc. If …
The school bell times at Samuelson will change with the beginning of the 2018-19 school year. Our new start time is 7:30 AM and we will dismiss at 2:25 PM, with a 75 minute early dismissal on Wednesdays. Please click on the headline to learn more about how we are engaging our staff to ensure an orderly transition when school resumes August 23.
For more than 30 years, Des Moines Public Schools has operated a summer food service program, with sites providing free meals to all children 18 years of age or younger.