After School Clubs

Samuelson provides a limited number after school clubs for students based on interest from students and availability of community partners to provide activities. These clubs are not childcare and typically are held one day each week for one hour after school. They are free and last between 6-10 weeks, depending on the club.

Samuelson’s Community School Coordinator (Kiersten Cooley) organizes Samuelson’s after school activities. If a student has an idea for an after school club, they can work with Ms. Cooley to make their club happen.

Parents, family members, and community members are also welcome to share their ideas or talents with Samuelson students for an after school club. Scheduling can be flexible and Kiersten can work with you on logistics and supports you may need. Please note a DMPS Volunteer Application will need to be on file as approved in order for someone to lead an after school club. Soccer, art, basketball, running, nature, board games – the possibilities of what after school club you can lead are endless!

If you do need childcare after school for your child(ren), please visit the Metro Kids page on Samuelson’s website to learn more.

If you have questions or want to get involved, please contact Samuelson’s Community School Coordinator, Kiersten Cooley.