Early Registration for 2014-2015

Your early registration packet will be coming home in May. Please fill out the papers inside and return them to the office by June 2nd.  You will also need to enclose your address verification with your packet. Your proof of address needs to be a copy of your photo ID (must have present address on it) with a copy of a certified piece of mail such as a phone bill, utility bill, etc. If you do not have a photo ID with your current address, you can use two copies of certified mail.  If you need to have your forms of proof of address copied, please bring them to the office and we will be happy to help with that. You must have proof of your address to attend Samuelson Elementary. If you fill out this packet and enclose all documentation, you will not need to make another trip to register in the summer.  If your child will not be attending Samuelson next year, please write which school they will be attending on the front of the packet and return the packet to the office.


Fees this year are as follows:

  • $25.00 for Kindergarten – 5th Grade
  • There will be no planners this year for 3rd-5th grade


If you want to pay school fees now, you may send in your fees using cash or check along with this packet. You can also pay school fees online by visiting http://dmps.revtrak.net/tek9.asp. If you plan on filling out a free or reduced lunch form, do not send in the fees until you are approved or denied. To apply for free or reduced lunches please visit https://www.applyforlunch.com/Application .


Summer Registration dates and hours are as follows:


July 24th from 1:00 – 7:00 PM


If you have a kindergarten student that will be attending Samuelson in the 2014-2015 school year, you will need to come to registration even if you attended Kindergarten Sign Up in March.


If you have any questions feel free to call the office at (515) 242-8441 or email us at

Samuelson@dmschools.org .


Want to sign your child up for the 2014-2015 school year electronically?


Scan your registration documents along with your proof of address and email them to  Samuelson@dmschools.org.  We will reply with an email letting you know your information was received and your registration is completed.


Need new forms? Email us at the same address above and we will electronically deliver them to you.


We hope you have a safe and exciting summer and look forward to seeing you for the 2014-2015 school year!


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